Doula Support for End of Life
Facing death together
Death meets all of us one day, some sooner than others. Some at old age, others due to illness, and some from sudden and tragic circumstance. But it is the inevitable truth that we will all die one day.
Death is the final threshold of this life, and we believe it deserves to be honoured and held as sacred. It can be peaceful, messy, painful, devastating, relieving and so much more. There’s a lot to be present with at this time for both the dying person and the loved ones around them. We, as death doulas, are here at your back, to support and hold you in this process.
“We’re all just walking each other home”
— Ram Dass
Dying with Grace is a team of doulas working at the end of life threshold. We are dedicated to providing affordable person-centred doula support in Devon, and being accessible to anyone who needs our care.
Dying with Grace is born from being with people at the end of their life. There is a memory working through us, from the more ancient culture of these lands, of how this threshold would have been tended for the dying person and the communities around them.
We offer one to one care as well as regular death cafes, listening circles and trainings. We cover The South Hams, South Dartmoor and Exmouth areas.
What is a death doula?
A death doula walks alongside a person approaching the end of their life. The doula will find out what that persons needs and wishes are for this time, and will be their advocate wherever needed. The doula understands the dying process and can be fully present for that person, and their loved ones, as they journey towards death. They can provide comfort in the form of physical, emotional and spiritual care. They may also form a connection point between the dying person and the medical team and care staff where required. They hold the dying person at the very center of the circle of care. They will also be a connection point to funeral directors and celebrants if needed.