Upcoming Events

Letting Go in Love
Letting go in love; cultivating a relationship with our own death
with Anne Overzee
Nov. 22-24 2024 – Oct. 3-5 2025 (for all dates see website below)
This course comprises a series of five interrelated retreat-workshops exploring the theme of our own death. Those who work with the dying often share the view that it can be a time of healing and spiritual transformation. We will prioritise ‘being with’ our death in the present in different ways, including through creativity, silence, and ritual; deepening our enquiry through co-creating a field of heart in the context of the wild beauty of Dartmoor.
The course will include exploring together how the bardos (as described in the Tibetan text, Liberation through Hearing in the Bardos) can support an unveiling of our radiant sacred nature through all the transition moments in our lives, including our dying.
Booking deadline: September 1st, 2024

Death as Ally
An embodied exploration of how we can relate with forces of death in a way that supports our relationship with life, enhancing our presence and appreciation. Expect experiential inquiry, movement, creative expression and deep reflection, held with awareness and care by Agata Krajewska.
Booking essential https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/death-as-ally-workshop-tickets-867658549077

Dying Matters Week 2024
A personal note - Duncan Passmore who is offering his piece “Grief’s Sister” at the Dying Matters event in Totnes has set up a gofund me page. We would like to share this with you. Please do donate if you feel to. With much gratitude, the team at Dying with Grace.
“A little over a year ago, this most precious and beautiful of souls left us for pastures new. We love him deeply and miss him terribly. By way of staying sane in the wake of his absence we are building him a boat of gratitude and love.”
Contributors to Dying Matters Week
Dying Matters in Bovey Tracey
Dying Matters in Totnes
Christine Dumbelton, Independent Funeral Celebrant. Christine’s role as a funeral celebrant, is to “offer you time and space to explore the best way in which to give your loved one the celebration of life they deserve.”
Tom Meek, Independent Funeral Director
Emma Sampson - Emma has been working with the transformational power of sound vibration for the last 20 years. She creates ceremony, healing spaces and facilitates change with voice, vibrational instruments and collaborative sound making.
Duncan Passmore - “A little over a year ago, this most precious and beautiful of souls left us for pastures new. We love him deeply and miss him terribly. By way of staying sane in the wake of his absence we are building him a boat of gratitude and love.” https://www.gofundme.com/f/build-a-boat-for-torin
Sarah Chapman, Independent Celebrant, member of End of Life Doula UK and teacher for Living Well Dying Well Foundation Course which explores many of the issues in relation to death, dying and the end of life.
RedEarth Playback Theatre - RedEarth (formerlyTarte Noire) Playback Theatre have been performing and serving communities of marginalised people, and to the general public, in Devon since 2007. Playback Theatre engages people in a kind of creative conversation on a theme. A conductor will talk to the audience and ask for a response. The actors and musician will then ‘playback’ whatever has been shared in a way that reflects the tellers’ experience. This can be poignant and powerful, funny, courageous and moving. Each performance is unique to the day depending on what the audience share. One story will answer another and in this way a depth of understanding is felt by all present.